NURS 6710 Debate Public Threat or Individual Right? Week 4 Discussion

One important ethical principle is the concept of “autonomy” or an individualistic approach. This principle places primary emphasis on the liberty, privacy, and informed consent of individual persons in the face of a health intervention carried out by other parties, such as immunizations to prevent infectious disease. These are public health interventions carried out with the justification of “doing good” by protecting the welfare of the public. These interventions are grounded in the ethical belief of actions being informed by determination of the greater good for the benefit of the larger society—the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.

Note: You will be assigned to one side of the debate for this week.

By Day 3

Post and participate in a debate via the Discussion threads.

Debate the topic: Is a family’s choice to not vaccinate/immunize their child a threat to the public’s health or is it an individual right? As a public health nurse, what are the key ethical and legal issues that contribute to the issue of vaccinations and immunizations?

By Day 6

Respond to one or more of your colleagues assigned to the other side of the debate with your opposing arguments.

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