NR 509 Week 3 Shadow Health: Musculoskeletal Physical Assessment – REVIEW QUESTIONS

NR 509 Week 3 Shadow Health Musculoskeletal Physical Assessment REVIEW QUESTIONS Assignment

NR 509 Week 3 Shadow Health Musculoskeletal Physical Assessment REVIEW QUESTIONS Assignment

  1. If you were assessing range of motion (ROM) for a healthy 28-year-old woman with no known joint issues, which of the following would indicate limited ankle ROM?
  2. When palpating joints in a musculoskeletal exam, crepitus indicates:
  3. Imagine that Tina has hard painless bumps on the dorsolateral aspects of the distal interphalangeal joints that had limit flexion during a range of motion test. How would you have documented these abnormalities?
  4. Describe the major differences in acute versus passive range of motion (ROM) when distinguishing between an articular and nonarticular joint issue.
  5. What would be some of the ways in which you could assess Tina for suspected lumbar radiculopathy?
  6. Explain the difference between a sprain and a strain

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