NR 509 Week 4 Shadow Health Cardiovascular Physical Assessment REVIEW QUESTIONS Essay Assignment

NR 509 Week 4 Shadow Health Cardiovascular Physical Assessment REVIEW QUESTIONS Essay Assignment

NR 509 Week 4 Shadow Health Cardiovascular Physical Assessment REVIEW QUESTIONS Essay Assignment

  1. In order to determine which heart sound is S1, which of the following should you assess?
  2. The assessment of Jugular Venous Pressure (JVP) correlates with:
  3. Tina had brisk capillary refill (less than 3 seconds). What does this mean?
  4. Describe where on the body and when in the cardiac cycle you are most likely to auscultate a murmur caused by mitral valve prolapse.
  5. Imagine you had heard a murmur on Tina. Why would it have been important to ask Tina to change positions while auscultating the heart?
  6. You decide to order an arterial blood gas on Tina. Which physical exam test should you perform before drawing blood from the radial artery?

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