NR-708 Week 5 Discussion 2: Affordable Care Act

NR-708 Week 5 Discussion 2 Essay Assignment

NR-708 Week 5 Discussion 2 Essay Assignment

The Affordable Care Act was set in place in 2010 when President Obama passed a law requiring all Americans, individuals, and families to … covered with health insurance within an allotted period. The reason for the ACA was to improve access to healthcare, patient safety outcomes, and quality of care provided (Mason, Gardner, Outlaw & O’Grady, 2016). With the implementation of ACA, there were stipulations that insurance companies (IC) were … to provide coverage for all patients regardless of their health illnesses. With all Americans signing up for health insurance, it meant that healthcare organizations would … providing care to a large number of patients that have not received or seek adequate for years because they were uninsured.

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