PSY 450 All Discussion Questions Essay Assignment

PSY 450 All Discussion Questions Essay Assignment

PSY 450 All Discussion Questions Essay Assignment

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  • What is ethnocentrism? Is it possible to avoid ethnocentrism? If so, how? If not, why not?
  • Cultural Globalization and Separation Debate.
    • How does the way in which you perceive the world influence your thought process? Provide a specific example in your response. What other factors do you think affect your thought process?
    • What is stress? Why do some ethnic groups have higher stress levels than others? How do individuals manage stress
      • What are the three key developmental domains? Which one of the domains do you feel is the most important? Why?
      • How do you define normal and abnormal behavior? What factors influence your definition? Why?
      • What is fundamental attribution error? Why do you think individuals make attribution errors?
      • What is the relationship between conformity and obedience?
        • What are some examples of emerging issues in cross-cultural psychology? Which one of these issues is the most crucial?
        • Do you believe that diversity is permanent or transitory? Explain your answer.

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